Known fields

Known fields can be used to specify boundary and initial conditions. If they are the same then one field can be used for both avoiding repeated definitions. Known fields can also be used to specify custom fields that cannot easily be described in C++, like the regular wave fields that are implemented. Known fields can also be used to specify damping zones in a domain.


Name of the field. Used to refer to the field from other places


The field type, one of

  • AiryWaves

  • BlendedField

  • FreeSurfaceZone

  • MaxField

  • MinField

  • RaschiiWaves

  • ScalarField

  • VectorField

  • WaterBlock

  • WaveOutflow


Set this to true/on (default is off) if you want to stop the field recomputing its value every time


Most fields support plotting their value to a file which can be enabled by this setting


Standard linear waves. This field exposes the following functions:

  • field_name/elevation

  • field_name/c

  • field_name/rho

  • field_name/uhoriz

  • field_name/uvert

  • field_name/u - vector field, either [uhoriz, uvert] or [uhoriz, 0, uvert]

  • field_name/pdyn

  • field_name/pstat

  • field_name/ptot


The water depth


Height of the air phase above the still water


The location of the the still water plane. It will be equal to the depth if the origin is at the bottom.

omegas, periods, wave_lengths, wave_numbers

List of numbers. You must specify one and only one of these


The phase of the waves, list of numbers, default is 0 for all waves


The wave amplitudes. List of numbers, no default values

current_speed, wind_speed

A superinposed current in the water phase / air phase respectively


Ramp up the amplitudes over a given time interval, default 0.


Ramp up the amplitudes over a given time interval, default 0.


Project the colour function to DG0 using quadrature of this degree, default 6 (set degree to -1 to prevent this projection and just use interpolation instead)


Construct regular waves by use of the Rascii Python library to construct C++ code that describes the wave field


The Raschii wave model to use, default is Fenton. Available models as of January 2019 are:

  • Airy

  • Fenton

  • Stokes


The Raschii air model to use, default is FentonAir. Available models as of January 2019 are:

  • ConstantAir

  • FentonAir

wave_length, wave_height

Wave parameters


The order of the wave model, default is 5. Using 1 will always give Airy waves. Stokes waves are implemented up to order 5, Fenton waves can be calculated for arbitrary order, but order 10 is normally a good compromise between accuracy and speed.

depth, depth_above, ramp_time, still_water_position, current_speed

Same as for AiryWaves


Distance used for blending water and air stream functions above the free surface in Raschii, see the Rascii documentation for more details.



The name of the scalar function that will be exposed, default phi.


The polynomial degree of the Continuous Lagrange function used to interpolate the field. Default 2


The field description. You can use the coordinate vector, x[i], the time, t, and any constants given in user_constants, see User constants and code.


Same as scalar field, but cpp_code must be a list of C++ expressions and the length of the list must be 2 in 2D and 3 in 3D.


All variables, such as phi, are expressed as


where b is the scalar blending function with values [0, 1]

field0, field1

Names of the two known fields to be blended (not field functions, just the name of the field). All field functions of the respective fields are blended.


The name of the scalar function used for blending

-   name: x squared
    type: ScalarField
    cpp_code: pow(x[0], 2)
    stationary: true
-   name: t squared
    type: ScalarField
    cpp_code: pow(t, 2)
-   name: xt-blend
    type: BlendedField
    field0: x squared
    field0: t squared
    blending_function: x squared/phi

MaxField and MinField

Return the max or min of two fields

field0, field1

Names of the two known field functions


A field that is 1.0 near the interface and 0.0 away from the interface


The name of the scalar function that will be exposed, default phi.


The resulting field will be 1.0 inside a distance radius from the free surface and 0.0 outside two times the radius. Between these points there will be a smooth transition

transition = 2 * r ** 3 - 9 * r ** 2 + 12 * r - 4


A block of water, projected to obtain the best representation of the colour field c given a mesh that does not conform to the block. Inside the block the field is 1.0, outside the block it is 0.0. The free surface is projected to be as sharp as possible


The name of the scalar function that will be exposed, default c.

xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax

The extents of the block, all default to 0


The polynomial degree of the resulting field, default 0, which gives a piecewise constant field


Project the colour function to DG0 using quadrature of this degree, default 6 (set degree to -1 to prevent this projection and just use interpolation instead)